RE: haben mädchen bessere traumerinnerung?
(09.09.2011, 09:15)_traum schrieb: Ich weiß leider nicht wo, aber habe gelesen, dass speziell die Inhalte zw. männl. u weibl. variieren. Leider habe ich keinen Link mehr.
Vielleicht war das das hier?
Hab ein paar Sachen rausgequoted die auf das von dir Bezug nehmen
(09.09.2011, 09:15)_traum schrieb: Info1:
So haben männer eher düstere Träume, Angst, Gewalt und Sex sind nuancen zu denen der Inhalt tendiert (Gefühle gehen eher in Richtung angst agression und "Schmerz"). Frauen hingegen Träumen eher in Richtung Gefühlsbetont - speziell emotional intensive Gefühle (wie Trauer - im gelesenen Artikel wurde Depressiv erwähnt) das sorgt für eine stärkere Bindung an den Traumkörper ("Ich fühle also bin ich" um die Worte von Descartes angepasst zu nutzen).
Zitat:If we ask what percentage of dreams from men and women have at least one of several negative elements that are included in the Hall/Van de Castle system, such as aggressions, misfortunes, failures, and negative emotions (anger, apprehension, confusion, and sadness), then men and women are similar in that 80% of men's dreams and 77% of women's have at least one of these negative elements
Both men and women are more often victims than aggressors in the aggressive interactions in their dreams, and they face the same attackers, namely, men who are not known to them ("male strangers") and animals
Zitat:Aggression as a key difference between the dreams of American men and women becomes more apparent when it is noted that a far greater number of the aggressions in men's dreams are physical in nature. If we divide physical aggressions by the total number of aggressions, the men's physical aggression percent is 50% as compared to 34% for women, an effect size of .33. Women's aggressive dreams, on the other hand, are twice as likely as men's to involve rejections and exclusions, 36% vs. 18% (h=.41)./i]"
(09.09.2011, 09:15)_traum schrieb: Info2:
Vergleichsweise träumen Männer bspw. mehr von Frauen (bzw. Sexuell bevorzugte Geschlecht) und Frauen relativ ausgeglichen von beiden Geschlechtern.
Zitat:[i]In terms of human characters, men appear to dream more frequently about other men (roughly 67% male characters / 33% female characters). These male characters encountered are more likely to be strangers or unknown characters. Women, on the other hand, appear to dream equally about other men and women. Women however tend to have more people they know in their dreams.